Student Engagement in Climate Justice
Sacred Action Project: Love for Creation in Nigeria

Sabi Elizabeth Aitiya began her Sacred Action Project for the Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith by bringing together frontline congregations and faith-based organizations in her community in Yola, Nigeria to mobilize for education, reflection, action, and advocacy for climate justice. So far, her initiative, Love for Creation, has brought together more than five congregations.
“Through this collaboration we, as people of faith, hope to make a meaningful contribution in the next decade towards a sustainable future for all life on the planet”, she said, “Our contribution seeks to address the root causes of the climate emergency while also supporting those who are most impacted by it. Our contribution will also respond to feelings of ecological grief and eco-anxiety through pastoral care and ceremony, building community resilience, and by taking collective action for climate justice.”
In addition to her outreach to congregations, Sabi has organized “Climate teach-ins” in schools and youth organizations in her community bringing information about the causes, impacts, and solutions to climate change to dozens of students.
“This course really gave me more insight and better understanding of what it means to love what God has created and has given us the authority to care, protect and preserve.”