Curricular Innovations

The Center for Climate Justice and Faith is part of the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS). Four orienting perspectives characterize PLTS’ role in the church and our approach to theological education:

  1. Learning through a socio-ecological lens that looks at race, class, gender, and earth in order to develop competencies for effective community engagement in diverse cultural and political contexts.
  2. Faithful social transformation grounded in the good news of Jesus Christ endeavors to build communities of resistance and hope by integrating the spiritual and political dimensions of life through theological reflection, social analysis, and implementing strategies to work for justice and ecological healing.
  3. Nurturing a life-giving relationship with God includes embracing and sharing the life-changing power of God’s love through Jesus and cultivating spiritual practices and skills for building community that strengthens people spiritually.
  4. Intellectual engagement with Scripture, faith traditions, and the world involves hearing and interacting with theological voices from the margins of power and privilege and putting Christian beliefs and practices into collaborative engagement with other religious traditions and secular disciplines.